Premium Carnauba PasteWax

Griot's Premium Carnauba Paste Wax produces the highest level of carnauba protection, creating paint protection that’s easy to see. Easy to apply, its hydrophobic technology forms a "non-wettable" surface so the water beads actually curve into themselves for less surface contact. The surface is so smooth the water just glides right off. This effect keeps water spot deposits from forming and settling and allows the wax to last longer. A quick cure time means you can apply it and buff just minutes later. And, if you let it dry too long, just apply a little wax onto the dried wax and buff immediately. It's almost effortless! Apply by hand or machine using Griot's Red Foam Waxing Pads and buff with a PFM® Dual Weave Wax Removal Towel or Microfiber Wax Removal Cloth. The convenient tin makes it easy to apply wax to your pad and get the buffing party started.

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